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Top Tips for a Speedier Recovery after Eyelid Surgery

One of the best anti-aging procedures is a blepharoplasty, or surgery to remove excess skin from the eyelids and reveal more of the eye area for a younger appearance. Even though surgical methods have advanced greatly, you should still plan for downtime after eyelids surgery. But, you can find solace in knowing that the best oculofacial plastic surgeon McLean will provide comprehensive post-operative instructions. If you want to recover from your eyelid operation rapidly, there are a few things you need to know before the surgery.

Rest and relax

Planning beforehand is the best way to enjoy a break from your routine. Taking it easy like this will allow you to recover properly. If you absolutely must, have someone take care of your key tasks in your absence. For instance, you can have someone to drive the kids to and from school. Likewise, you may want assistance in the office with some of your other duties.

On the day of your surgery, ensure you have enough simple-to-prepare items in your refrigerator and pantry. In any case, free up some time for rest and recovery.

Follow your doctor’s advice

You can achieve consistent outcomes by following post-treatment recommendations to the latter. To ensure that you and your caregiver/family have reasonable expectations and time to have your concerns addressed, your doctor will provide you with pre-and post-treatment instructions well in advance of any necessary procedures. Looking through your post-blepharoplasty instructions will help you prepare for your recovery and address most of the issues you may have. Although no two patients will have the same course of recovery, it is essential to your health that you follow your doctor’s orders.

Use a cold compress

There may be some swelling and bruising following eyelid surgery, but it will not be as bad as after getting a black eye. Put on some ice packs or cold compresses to reduce the swelling. While icing the operative region on the day of surgery, you should do it for around 10 minutes every hour. You should reduce the use of ice packs to no more than three or four times per day beginning on the second day following surgery. Also, use ice packs repeatedly to minimize swelling. Always use a towel to prevent ice from directly touching your skin, and limit its use to no more than 10 minutes at a time.

Stop rubbing

While recovering from eyelid surgery, avoid anything that can make you want to touch your eyes. It is crucial since accidentally touching your eyes may ruin your new eyelids. Talk to your doctor about taking allergy medicine to prevent watery, itchy eyes, and always use sunglasses outside if you suffer from allergies. If anything is bothering your eyes, dab at the area gently with a clean towel and never, ever rub them.

Preparation for recovery after eyelid surgery is key to a speedy and successful outcome. Escape from the outside world, rest your eyes, and unwind. Learn how cosmetic and reconstructive surgery may help you appear years younger now. Are you ready to get into action? Contact the Sanctuary Cosmetic Center today for an appointment.