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Positive Effects of Undergoing Uterine Fibroid Embolization Treatment

Normally, all medical procedures are linked to some risk, making most people afraid of undergoing these procedures. For instance, most people experience deteriorated effects of fibroids problems due to reluctance to seek treatment. However, if you have been experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding, chronic discomfort, or infertility, it is high time you consider Plantation uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) treatment. The procedure is essential in helping you in various ways, such as relieving discomfort and pain. Let’s elaborate on the positive effects of uterine fibroid embolization treatment.

Removal of Anemia

Most women suffering from heavy periods and fibroids are more vulnerable to anemia. Some can lose excessive blood if they need a blood transfusion, although severe fatigue and dizziness are mainly present. Whenever a woman encounters heavy menstrual, the body loses hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying the required oxygen to important tissues. Once it is depleted, carrying much-needed oxygen to the tissues is impossible. As a result, a patient is likely to experience iron-deficiency anemia. Luckily, UFE treatment shrinks fibroids enabling you to recover from heavy bleeding and your body to build reserves of iron-rich proteins.

Elimination of Discomfort During Sex

In most cases, fibroid symptoms such as pelvic and back pain, unmanageable urination, and bloating can contribute to sexual discomfort for most women. Because fibroids shrink shortly after undergoing UFE, any discomfort is greatly reduced. Moreover, the treatment enhances sexual enjoyment. Significantly, this procedure has minimal to no effect on the hormonal status, and thus sexual desire is preserved.

Instant Relief from Heavy Bleeding during Monthly Periods

After undergoing UFE, almost all patients report instant relief from heavy bleeding during monthly periods. Women usually experience shorter and lighter menstruation after the treatment, whereas heavy and agonizing periods were the norm before undergoing the treatment. Only a few people encounter irregular periods between 3 and 6 months after the UFE treatment. However, most women experience dramatic enhancements to the monthly period that can be instant and recommendable.

Maintaining the Possibility of Becoming Pregnant

Even though the chances of becoming infertile are minimal, it can be challenging to get pregnant. Nevertheless, fibroids can hamper a woman’s ability to carry successful pregnancy all through. Fortunately, the UFE procedure involves minimally invasive treatment, which ensures all reproductive organs stay undamaged. As a result, any factor essential in stimulating and nurturing a pregnancy is not compromised at all costs.

Changing Your Body Image

Sometimes women suffering from fibroids are likely to experience a definitive round belly whereby the enlarged uterus may poke. This effect is associated with adverse outcomes on women’s self-esteem and body image. Luckily, UFE treatment minimizes the size of the fibroids, where they become invisible. As a result, you will have a flatter stomach changing your body appearance.

Greater Success Rate

UFE treatments have been a well-proven and successful treatment. For instance, most individuals who undergo this procedure notice greater shrinkage of their fibroids. After treatment, fibroids lose their ability to supply blood and oxygen, contributing to the muscle cells shrinking. Finally, fibroids will disappear completely after around 3 to 12 months.

Are you tired of moving from one center looking for uterine fibroid embolization treatment with no success? Worry no more because we have found a solution. South Florida Vascular Associates, situated in Boynton Beach, Coconut Creek, and Plantation, Florida, provides comprehensive UFE treatment to shrink fibroids, relieve pain, and enhance your body image. To enjoy these services, call a nearby office or book online to request an appointment today.