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5 Benefits of STD Testing

Society stigmatizes sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), making it hard for people to seek treatment. However, STDs are like any other infection and can harm your health leading to infertility and other health complications. Some people will develop the signs of STDs within a few weeks, while others might be infected with the STDs and not know they got the infection due to the lack of particular symptoms. Therefore, you can only know you have STDs through an STD testing Winter Park, indicating the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Here are reasons to get std testing marietta ga.

STD Leads to the Prevention of Infections

Sometimes you would not know you have an STD as some infections are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic STD infections can lead to serious health complications like balder issues and infertility. Thus, you will prevent STD infection through timely testing, which indicates the presence of symptomatic infections. If your partner has an infection, you will likely develop an STD, especially if you have unprotected sex. Sometimes you might test negative for the STD even if your partner has the infection, and the test will help you avoid getting the infection as it helps you avoid unprotected sex.

STD Testing Leads to Treatments

Most STDs are curable, and std testing dalton ga makes it possible to get the right treatment for your condition. When your partner has an STD, you will take the same test and take the same medications to kick the STD out of the union. If one partner receives medications for a certain STD, the infection might recur in the future as the untreated partner carries the infection and will re-infect the loved one.

They Foster Sex Education

Although your gynecologist or urologist can educate you about safe sex during the annual exam, the testing provides a ground for sex education. The doctor might emphasize using a barrier method like a com if you have multiple partners—the possibility of developing an infection increases with the number of partners you have. The gynecologist will educate patients on the STDs’ contribution to rising infertility cases and help couples avoid the infection before, during, and after the pregnancy.

Virgins Might Get STDs

Virgins can get STDs, but since they think they are safe from the infections, they will avoid getting the tests. However, virgins should get tests for syphilis, herpes, and HPV as they are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact and vaginal intercourse. Affectionate family members could pass oral herpes, and you will need an STD to prevent and treat such infections.

Monogamy Might Not Be Guaranteed

You may consider std testing phoenix az since monogamy is not guaranteed, as your partner can cheat secretly. Thus you should often test even if you are in a monogamous relationship. Moreover, you should test for STDs at the beginning of any relationship to avoid transmission of infections between partners.

An STD test is important for your sexual health, and you should frequently see a gynecologist or urologist for the tests. The gynecologist will ask if you have any symptoms associated with an STD and run blood and urine tests to diagnose the problem. Thus, you should consider the STD test as it fosters better infection prevention, treatment, and management. Moreover, monogamy is not guaranteed, and virgins can develop STDs due to skin infections.