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Why Am I Having A Bumpy Throat? Everything You Should Know About Thyroid Nodules

Little is known about the thyroid, a small gland positioned at the base of your neck. The thyroid gland releases a thyroid hormone that boosts the functionality of your body organs. Unfortunately, you are at risk of contracting thyroid nodules, solid or fluid-like lumps that form in front of your neck. Over 70% of adult Americans experience thyroid nodules without their knowledge. Luckily, a Newport Beach thyroid nodule biopsy will help diagnose your condition, if any. The state-of-the-art biopsy procedure analyzes to help identify if your thyroid nodule is cancerous. Here is everything to know about thyroid nodules and if you are affected.

What is a thyroid nodule?

It is a lump of thyroid cells that grow inside any of the thyroid robes. Based on their condition, they can be solid or fluid-filled (cysts). Thyroid nodules progress with stages but can remain at the same size for a while. The most common type of thyroid nodule is benign, meaning it’s non-cancerous. However, benign nodules still pose risks and should be treated if identified.

How to identify if you have thyroid nodules?

In most cases, thyroid nodules don’t show any physical symptoms you can acknowledge. Nevertheless, you are likely to suffer from nodules if you have trouble swallowing, difficulty breathing, or pain in the front neck. Since thyroid nodules don’t show signs, getting frequent check-ups from a certified specialist is recommended. An example of an effective thyroid nodule scanner is the biopsy that analyzes the entire state of your front neck.

Some common causes of thyroid nodules

Several unavoidable conditions can cause thyroid nodules to develop in your thyroid gland. However, nodules can result from an overgrowth of typical thyroid tissue, fluid-filled cysts inflammation (thyroiditis), or a benign tumor. Thyroiditis occurs when your immune system destroys relevant cells in the thyroid gland. It is difficult to comprehend these causes, and the only option to safeguard your throat is to get lab tests.

When should you get worried about thyroid nodules?

Although most nodules are benign, some signs prove that you need to get an instant diagnosis. If you feel any bump in your throat, don’t panic. Assess your situation, and if the condition is happening congruently, it might be a call to seek further assistance. Be on the look if:

  • The size of the thyroid is more extensive than normal
  • Experience sharp pains in your throat
  • Any symptoms of hyperthyroidism
  • Have difficulties in breathing and swallowing
  • Previous family history of thyroid nodules

How are thyroid nodules treated?

Although most nodules are non-cancerous and don’t cause any issues, talk to your doctor to help analyze the stage of your condition and if it’s fatal. First, your doctor conducts a nodule biopsy, a thin-like needle that penetrates your neck to get sample tissues to test if your thyroid is affected. If Dr. Sean P. Nikravan, MD, FACE, is convinced by the lab results that you have thyroid nodules that require treatments, he schedules your session immediately. An advanced, minimally invasive process known as radiofrequency ablation helps eliminate any existing condition in your thyroid. Many treatment options vary with the state of your thyroid problem. Contact our Newport Beach, California office to book your thyroid session today!