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Understanding the Pros and Cons of Invisalign Aligners

Are you suffering from tooth misalignment? Do you want perfectly aligned teeth without the hassle of wired braces? If you are nodding yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss Invisalign aligners, which are invisible aligners that will help you deal with tooth misalignment without showing it to others. 

However, before going for any treatment, you must be aware of the pros and cons, and thus, in this article, we will study the pros and cons of the aligners in detail. If you are in North Central Phoenix, you can visit any expert doctor to learn more about the Invisalign treatment. There are various centers for Invisalign aligners in North Central Phoenix where you can get solutions to your doubts. 

What are the Benefits of Invisalign Aligners? 

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment in which virtually invisible aligners are used to treat tooth misalignment. There are various benefits of using Invisalign aligners because they help treat misalignments without showing them to the public. There are various other benefits, too, so let’s understand some of the significant benefits. 

Aligns Your Teeth With Confidence

Invisalign are custom-made aligners that work like magic for your puzzled teeth. They apply gentle and consistent pressure to shift your teeth gradually. The gentle pressure helps trigger a fascinating remodeling of the teeth and will bring them in your desired direction. This is beneficial for people because these Invisalign aligners are not visible like wired braces, and therefore, people feel comfortable with them and do not hesitate to talk. Thus, these aligners are superb for people who want a fantastic smile with confidence. 

Flexibility and Oral Hygiene

Invisalign helps maintain flexibility in oral hygiene. It is because when wearing Invisalign, you can remove them while eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. So, it is an excellent advantage for people because they can do oral hygiene without harming the Invisalign aligners. It was impossible with traditional braces, making brushing your teeth difficult. Food debris was getting stuck in the wires, promoting cavities and tooth decay. However, you must avoid facing a similar issue in the Invisalign aligners. 

Comfort and Relief in Pain

Invisalign braces are comfortable to wear. It operates smoothly in your teeth without extreme pressure to straighten them. You can comfortably remove them and wear them again. You have to wear it for at least 20-22 hours a day, which is easily possible for a person. It also protects from pain visible in the wired braces that are used to stretch the teeth.This pain is not visible in braces, so a person can enjoy orthodontic treatment comfortably. 

Invisalign vs traditional braces

What are the Disadvantages of Invisalign Aligners? 

Every coin has two sides. Similarly, every treatment has its benefits and drawbacks. So, Invisalign treatment also has its disadvantages. Let’s discuss some of the common disadvantages of Invisalign.

  • Proper compliance with the treatment procedures must be maintained. Consistency is very important for the Invisalign treatment, and therefore, it sometimes becomes difficult for a person to remove and wear the aligners for 20-22 hours. If the timing is less, it could affect the effectiveness of the treatment, and therefore, this is one of the important drawbacks of the Invisalign aligners. 
  • Speech adjustment and lisping are other issues with the Invisalign aligners because when something is in your mouth that stretches your teeth, it becomes difficult to pronounce words. Thus, people face some lisping issues. 
  • When you wear Invisalign, your gums might initially experience some irritation, which can lead to increased saliva production and, thus, dry mouth. So, it is important to consider both the treatment’s benefits and disadvantages before deciding about orthodontic treatments.