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Simple Treatments For Addressing Chest Pain

Sudden, sharp, or unexplained pain can be scary and lead to panic. Although chest pain isn’t always a cause for alarm, you should consider seeing a doctor for an exam. Dr. Aduli offers internal medicine Covington, LA, to diagnose and treat heart conditions that affect the quality of your life.

What you should know about chest pain

Chest pain is the pain and discomfort emanating from the area around your chest. It may radiate to other parts of your body, including the neck, jaw, and arms. The pain may occur as a dull ache or sharp, stabbing pain; in some cases, you may experience tightness or feel like your chest is being squeezed. Chest pain can occur for a few minutes or several hours and can last for several months if it is associated with a chronic medical condition. Angina is a form of chest pain when your heart doesn’t receive blood with inadequate oxygen. This form of pain usually indicates a heart condition and deteriorates under pressure. Angina often feels like intense squeezing or pressure in your chest or indigestion and can lead to discomfort in your back, jaw, arms, and shoulders.

When to consult your doctor about chest pain

Chest pain can trigger other symptoms depending on the underlying cause. In most cases, the pain has nothing to do with your heart, but the only way to be sure is by visiting your doctor for a comprehensive medical exam. People with heart problems rarely describe heart discomfort as pain. In most cases, chest pain may be accompanied by burning, tightness or pressure in your chest, weakness or dizziness, cold sweats, nausea or vomiting, or shortness of breath. It is often challenging to distinguish heart-related chest pain from other forms. Chest pain related to heart problems is usually associated with trouble swallowing, prolonged pain that worsens when coughing or sneezing, and a sour taste in your mouth. If you suspect a heart attack or experience sudden or unexplained chest pain, visit the nearest emergency.

Diagnostic techniques for chest pain

During your appointment at Louisiana Heart and Vascular Institute, Dr. Aduli may conduct a comprehensive medical exam to detect the trigger of your discomfort. He may perform bloodwork to identify signs of heart damage. If he suspects a heart attack, he may order other tests, including a chest X-ray, computerized tomography (CT) scan, and electrocardiogram. After diagnosis, Dr. Aduli and his team develop a customized treatment plan to improve the quality of your life and prevent future complications. Your care plan may include lifestyle and diet adjustments, minimally invasive procedures, and prescription medications to preserve your vascular and heart health. In most cases, changing a few aspects and eating a healthy diet is enough to reduce your risk of heart complications and improve existing heart conditions. If you have chronic chest pain, your provider may focus on treating the underlying trigger before addressing your symptoms.

If chest pain interferes with your daily life, call the Louisiana Heart and Vascular Institute or use the online booking tool to create an appointment for a medical exam.