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How Coronary Bypass Surgery Treats Coronary Artery Disease

 You can undergo coronary artery disease Plano treatment to ease symptoms of coronary artery disease. Your doctor may recommend coronary bypass surgery to correct a blockage in your heart if you have a blocked artery. However, the procedure does not cure heart diseases that cause the blockage. Coronary bypass surgery may also be beneficial in treating heart attack symptoms in the case of an emergency. Generally, you have a low risk of developing complications after surgery.

Why Would You Need This Surgery?

Your doctor may recommend coronary bypass surgery if your arteries have a blockage in your heart arteries. You may also need the procedure if you have severe chest pains resulting from narrow arteries that restrict blood flow even at rest. Also, you may need surgery to have more than one damaged coronary artery, and your left ventricle lacks proper functioning. Furthermore, your doctor may recommend coronary bypass surgery if angioplasty cannot treat your artery blockage and if previous angioplasty has not proven successful.

How Do You Prepare for Coronary Bypass Surgery?

You may need to change your diet and how you take your medications before surgery. Your doctor may also recommend avoiding certain medications before surgery to reduce the risk of complications after surgery. Additionally, restrict certain activities as per your doctor’s instructions. Lastly, you may need to make early arrangements for getting home after surgery because it may take several weeks before you can resume activities like driving.

What Happens During Surgery?

You will need an early morning admission into the hospital if you are not getting the surgery as an emergency treatment. Your doctor will begin by administering general anesthesia and inserting a breathing tube through your mouth. The tube stays attached to a ventilator that breathes on your behalf during and temporarily after surgery. Your doctor then makes a long incision in your chest to spread your rib cage open and leave your heart exposed. After the chest opening, your doctor will temporarily stop your heart with medication while a heart-lung machine will work to keep oxygen and blood flowing throughout your body. Your doctor will then take a part of your healthy blood vessel and attach it to your blocked artery to restore blood flow to your damaged artery. After completing the process, your doctor restores your heartbeat, removes you from the machine, and closes your chest using a wire.

What Happens After Surgery?

You will spend up to two days in ICU as the breathing tube remains in your throat until you can breathe. Your doctor will design an exercise program that will help you in recovery. You may also need to begin cardiac rehabilitation while in the hospital. Your doctor will discharge you within a week and teach you to monitor for any complications.

You can begin your treatment for coronary artery disease at Heart and Vascular Care today. Your doctor will recommend several treatment options to help relieve coronary artery disease symptoms. You may also need correctional behaviors like reducing stress, avoiding smoking, and performing regular exercises. You can also visit the website to book your online appointment.