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Begin Your Journey To Recovery From Orthopedic Trauma

Everyone suffers an injury occasionally, but most of the time, these injuries heal with rest and icing. However, if your limb appears deformed or you have trouble putting weight on it, you may need medical help. Dr. Kristopher Downing La Jolla has years of experience treating orthopedic trauma and guarantees optimal strength and flexibility restoration in your limb.

Different forms of orthopedic traumas

Orthopedic trauma is a medical term for a severe muscular or skeletal system injury due to an extreme external force like a car accident or a hard fall. Although it is not always fatal, it can be life-changing, making it crucial to seek immediate medical care. Experiencing orthopedic trauma doesn’t necessarily mean you need exceptional orthopedic care or surgery. However, it is still necessary to see a doctor prevent future complications associated with the injury. Some of the orthopedic traumas that the Upper Extremities Specialists team address include:

  • Stable fracture

Stable fractures lead to bone separation, and the ends of the bone can be easily lined up.

  • Comminuted fracture

A comminuted fracture develops when your bone breaks into several pieces. In such cases, your doctor may suggest surgery. You have an elevated risk of breaking a bone if your occupation involves repetitive motions or you have osteoporosis.

  • Hairline fractures

Hairline fractures refer to tiny cracks in the bone due to a mild impact or repetitive strain. If left untreated, these fractures can deteriorate and affect your mobility.

The essence of seeking medical care following an orthopedic trauma

Upon experiencing an orthopedic trauma, many people are often unsure when to seek a doctor, rest, and ice the injury. Medical experts often recommend seeking medical care if the damage interferes with your mobility, is bleeding, or causes extreme pain. After a comprehensive medical plan, your doctor may prescribe specific medications or surgery in severe cases. The Upper Extremity Specialists team has years of experience and top-notch skills necessary for restoring strength and optimal mobility in the affected limb. The team works together with you to determine the most effective treatment option to fit your unique needs.

How orthopedic trauma is treated

The experts at Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group offer individualized care plans depending on the severity and type of your trauma. For instance, they may recommend immobilization with a cast or compression for mild injuries and immobilization with a cast for fractures. For severe injuries and fractures, your provider may recommend surgery to reset the bone, and during the treatment, your orthopedic surgeon omaha ne removes debris and bone shards from the injury and puts the bone back in place.

The team may utilize metal pins to hold the shattered pieces of bone together. Comminuted and severe compound fractures may require casting for several weeks or months to allow full recovery. The team also offers physical therapy during and after rehab to restore strength and flexibility in the limb.

If you experience a car accident or a hard fall and suspect that you may have a fracture, call the Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group or book an appointment online today.