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You Can Avoid Varicose Veins with These Tips

Experiencing visible large and tender veins on the legs is common. Although the veins might not always be painful, they affect your appearance, limiting your self-confidence. Medical professionals like the varicose veins Port Saint Lucie specialists offer several treatment options to reverse the symptoms of poor circulation in your legs. Your provider will get to the root of your problem to understand the right treatment option to help you. In most cases, lifestyle factors are to blame for the condition, which can be avoided. Take the following measures to overcome your varicose veins and prevent the condition in the future.

Frequently Change our Position

One of the main reasons for varicose veins is extended periods of sitting or standing, limiting circulation in your legs. Moving around can help shift the weight from our legs and promote circulation. Therefore, take breaks and walk around if you spend your day as an office worker. Ensure you stand every thirty minutes which you can achieve by fetching the files or simply moving out of the room and back. You can also schedule sitting breaks if your job allows you to stand most of your time. The breaks will force your muscles to push blood back to the heart.  

Manage Your Weight

Your weight has a significant impact on your leg’s health. Being obese or overweight exerts extra stress and pressure on your legs. Losing weight benefits your overall health and can prevent new varicose veins from forming. Medical experts have found that losing about ten percent of your weight can make a significant impact in avoiding varicose veins in the future.

Get Compression Stockings

Wearing compression socks is one of the common and most effective options for improving varicose veins. You can easily get compression stockings locally in stores and pharmacies, but it is crucial to talk to your doctor about it. Different types of compression hoses exist, and you want to ensure you get the right one. Your doctor can customize your option to ensure that your legs get the right pressure enough to push blood back to the heart. Wearing the compression stocking in the future, even without varicose veins, improves your circulation in the legs, preventing new veins from forming.

Maintain Regular Exercises

Regular exercises offer multiple benefits to your health. Exercise can help you lose excess weight minimizing your risks for varicose veins. Also, some exercises can target your lower extremity to improve circulation and strengthen your leg muscles to avoid complications like varicose veins. Remember that your leg muscles work against gravity and need enough strength and support to push blood back to the heart.

Adjust Your Clothing

Wearing tight-fitted clothes increases your chances of developing varicose veins and can make your existing condition worse. Choose loose, comfortable clothes to improve our symptoms. It will help minimize the chances of varicose veins occurring. Your lower extremity clothing includes pants and shoes. Opt for loose skirts or pants over skinny jeans. Also, choose proper fitting flat shoes over high heels or tight boots.

Elevate Your Legs

Keeping our legs elevated often promotes blood flow against gravity. You can use elevation stools at your workplace or home to elevate your legs. Ensure that your legs remain elevated for about 15 minutes when resting after a busy day. You can also use pillows to elevate your legs as you sleep at night to improve circulation in your legs.

Varicose veins are preventable. Get in touch with the TLC Medical Group Inc specialists to learn more about varicose veins treatment and prevention. Call today or you the online tool to schedule a consultation appointment.