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The 7 Main Types Of Meditation Techniques

Everyone wants some extra time of relaxation away from the hustles of life. One of the most powerful and effective ways to reduce stress, worry, and tension is meditation.  the basic principles of meditation are so simple and easy to learn and follow that you just need a few minutes sitting down and simply learning about it. Once you’ve been meditating for a few minutes, it’s amazing how you can calm down your mind, clear your head, and feel a surge of inner strength.  If you would like to relax your body and mind, here are some of the common meditation techniques that you can use.

  1. Mindfulness meditation

It is among the top techniques that help self-improvement derived from within you. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind by reducing anxiety. During the practice, you focus on what is in the present, and it acts as a foundation for overcoming dissatisfaction. For the mindfulness technique to work, you must acknowledge your reality.

  1. Transcendental Meditation

This type of meditation helps you improve yourself by focusing on the spiritual aspect of sound vibrations. In this technique, you close and open while taking deep breathes and reciting Sanskrit mantras at the same time. Whenever a thought comes to you, you are supposed to return your focus to the mantra. The meditation helps in bringing out your positive perceptions.

  1. Kundalini Yoga

Yoga entails physical activity, and meditation alongside mantra with deep breathes concurrently. The deep breathes aids in removing toxins from within you. The breathing should be slow and deep as you engage in physical meditation. Generally, Kundalini Yoga is meant to provide a modality by which you can maximally achieve your creative potential. It also gives you relaxation and the power to remain positive.

  1. Loving-kindness meditation

This type of meditation magically propagates love for humanity. In the technique, you use images, words, and feelings to soften your heart and minds. You practice opening to deeper levels of pure love using kind thoughts and phrases that are intentional. This technique helps us to be generous and selfless with others. However, the meditation starts with you experiencing self-love and compassion for yourself. One way to boost your feelings of love and kindness is to practice meditation with one of your pets!

  1. Vedic meditation

The Vedic technique is suitable for people with busy schedules. The practice takes 20 minutes while deeply breathing in intervals. At the same time, you repeat a mantra silently in your mind. It boosts your cognitive and lowers your blood pressure. It also gives you better sleep. Besides that, the Vedic style introduces consistent moods and more energy levels and helps you focus less on your troubles.

  1. Self-inquiry Meditation

Often, we ask ourselves questions about our identity, and it usually begins with the question of who I am. Self-inquiry is a unique form of meditation that helps you focus on who you are and where you are going. Additionally, it gives you self-control and self-development. Its goal is to experience a divine self within us. Self-inquiry technique makes you free from thoughts and worries around your life. However, the goal can’t be achieved overnight and requires self-discipline, consistent practice, and guidance from a master.

  1. Mantra meditation

Mantra meditation works as a form of affirmation whereby your mind is fed with positive statements. It is done either by listening or recitation. During the session, the mantra works as the object of focus that keeps you busy and focused. Also, the mantra is a tool for the transformation of consciousness. The primary benefit of the Mantra meditation is the connection of heart and mind that it brings while being active in the divinity.