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4 Home Remedies for Wrist and Hand Injuries

Your hands and wrists are continuously in use throughout the day as you work, exercise, and enjoy your hobbies. Cumming hand & wrist injuries can affect your capacity to perform your daily chores. The waiting is frequently the most unpleasant element of healing a wrist injury at home instead of participating in your favorite physical activities. Fortunately, you can use home remedies to treat your wrist injury;

  1. Exercise the other wrist

Working out the good wrist is a terrific technique to encourage healing in the damaged one and is referred to as the cross-transfer rehabilitation strategy. While you wait out the recuperation period, this is a fantastic method to use some excess irritated energy. Use wrist curls, extensions, and tennis ball squeezes to keep your healthy wrist active. This will assist your body in being prepared to strengthen the damaged wrist when it is ready to withstand the strain of recovering strength and function. Any workout you may perform while protecting the injured wrist can encourage blood flow and accelerate your recovery.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a fantastic spice with so much more to offer than just flavor. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory that reduces swelling and can decrease spasms, relax the muscles, and promote tissue growth. Mix one tablespoon turmeric and one lime juice to form a turmeric plaster. Apply a paste made of the mixture around your wrist. Wrap it in a bandage and leave the mixture on overnight. You should notice a considerable improvement the next day in swelling and discomfort.

  1. Vitamin E and C

The vitamins and minerals you take while recovering can significantly impact how quickly your wrist heals and is used once again. Your body will recover more rapidly and thoroughly if you take vitamin E as a supplement or apply it topically. Applying it to the injury will aid in preventing scarring if your wrist injury results in a scrape. If you consume it, it can help prevent scar tissue formation when the tendon suffers internal damage. Citrus, in general, and vitamin C, in particular, are excellent for healing and drive free radicals out of the body, so they don’t obstruct restoration.

  1. A gentle massage

One last option is to give your wrist a little massage to make it feel better and recover more quickly. Except for the fact that you have the most significant perspective on how to knead your wrist to reduce discomfort and relax the tendons, this is a tried-and-true technique with very little complexity. Work your fingertips slowly and carefully into the wounded region. If your wrist starts to hurt, stop immediately, but some little hurting is normal. The massage should, at the very least, increase blood flow, allowing for more effective healing, but it can also aid with wrist relaxation and pain relief.

While there is no guarantee that any one technique will hasten your recovery, the majority of home remedies work in some way to help, generally by reducing pain and swelling and boosting critical vitamins and minerals that promote the healing process.

Call Stephen Fisher, M.D, to book your appointment for hand and wrist injury treatment.