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Why Visit an Orthopedic (Ortopedista en Querétaro) for Arthritis?

Suppose you experience acute pain each time you use your knees, hips, and fingers; you may have osteoarthritis. We are talking about swelling of your joints due to wear and tear. The rubbery tissue or cartilage breaks down after a while, meaning your bones will not have a cushion between them. It is important to check here to learn everything about visiting an orthopedic doctor. It means they will start rubbing against each other, leading to inflammation and severe pain. Although the cure for arthritis does not exist, we can differentiate numerous treatment options to help you relieve the stress and return to your range of motion.
  1. Physical Activity
Although most people do not want to do exercise will help them, you should know that instead of feeling it, you will relieve pain and joint damage. Exercise can help you lose weight, preventing further stress on your joints. Of course, we are not saying that you should lift weights and become a bodybuilder, but implementing these three workout aspects can help you prevent severe pain:
  • Stretching – The main idea is to implement exercises that will increase your range of motion and flexibility while adding lubrication to your joints. Some orthopedic doctors will prescribe you specific exercises you should do. At the same time, Tai Chi, Pilates, and Yoga are perfect ways to start the process. The main idea is to tell your instructor about the condition, ensuring an enjoyable and safe experience.
  • Strength Training – We are talking about building a lean muscle mass to protect your joints from severe injury. It means you should start lifting small weights and use your body weight, such as doing sit-ups and push-ups, among other options.
  • Aerobics – Finally, you should implement a workout regimen to reduce fatigue, strengthen your lungs and heart, and increase overall stamina. The best aerobic exercises are running, walking, swimming, riding a bicycle or using a treadmill at home or gym. You can also use it to burn calories.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, the two best exercises for people with this condition are water aerobics and walking. Both are easy on joints and especially perfect for overweight or people who are just starting to exercise. They will improve your physical conditioning and heart health. Besides, you do not need to swim to learn water aerobics because you can do it in a swimming pool with shoulder-height water. As soon as you visit this link:, you can check out the orthopedic clinic that will help you implement a strict regiment for reducing symptoms and issues. Since obesity can cause arthritis, you should shed some pounds to prevent potential symptoms from increasing while putting severe stress on your knees, back and hips. That is why exercising is essential for keeping you healthy.
  1. Medication
You can use OTC or over-the-counter medications suitable for arthritis pain management. Of course, talking with your doctor before starting anyone is vital, which will help you ensure you do not abuse them altogether. The most common ones are naproxen, ibuprofen, and aspirin, which have other names or NSAIDs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, they can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding and stomach irritation in some people, which is vital to remember. When you take the acetaminophen medications, you can relieve moderate or mild pain without severe side effects. However, large doses can directly damage your liver, so you should follow instructions. On the other hand, your doctor may prescribe you particular medications such as Vicodin, Ultram, Percocet, OxyContin, or Norco, while most of them feature ingredients such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, or codeine. They will reduce the pain signals in your body, meaning the reaction will slow down. However, they come with side effects, including drowsiness, nausea, and constipation. It is essential to use them quickly and, afterward, wait for a few months before taking another prescription. Taking them regularly can lead to increased tolerance, meaning you will need more of them to reach the same results as beforehand. Another option is taking prescription NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, sulindac, piroxicam, and celecoxib. Generally, they are safer than the first group of prescription meds, but similarly to other NSAIDs, and they can increase the risk of heart attack and stomach bleeding. It would be best if you used them under a doctor’s supervision to determine the best course of action. You can also take advantage of corticosteroid injections for people that experience severe pain. It is a perfect way to reduce significant inflammation and swelling while offering short-term and quick pain relief. The benefit will last a few weeks, while you should not get it more than three or four times a year. Some doctors use hyaluronic acid injections, perfect for lubricating joints and preventing overall shock. We are talking about average amounts, meaning that injecting it into a joint will help you increase mobility by lubricating joints. For some people, antidepressants are effective for treating chronic pain because they will prevent restlessness and agitation. Of course, you should start in low doses and increase the amount as time goes by. Another important consideration is to avoid stopping them without talking with a doctor and creating a stopping strategy without side effects. You can also use topical pain relievers since some ointments, creams, or gels can relieve mild joint pain when you feel it. Use them on joints to handle stiffness and general aching.
  1. Natural Remedies
You should know that some supplements and herbs, such as ginger, flaxseed, capsaicin, turmeric, and ginkgo, are suitable for people who have arthritis. However, the most popular ones are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Both come from tough cartilage compounds, flexible tissue covering the end of joints and bones. Therefore, when arthritis starts wearing your cartilage down, you can take glucosamine to protect what is left. At the same time, you can regenerate cartilage on joints, but you need to use them for a while. Studies have shown that they can provide modest pain relief, while the American College of Rheumatology recommends using glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.