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Need A Mini Facelift? Check This First

Many people are happy with their natural look and try to avoid facelifts, but you may find yourself in need of a rejuvenating mini facelift. These products can restore your youthful look without the operating room.

What Is A Mini Facelift Procedure?

A mini facelift is a newer procedure that was developed to help patients who don’t require major surgery to receive the same benefits. It has become popular because it enables people who don’t want to go under the knife, but still want to look younger, to do so.

How Do I Know If I Should Peruse A Mini Facelift?

There are several factors that should be taken into consideration before making a decision about having a mini facelift. You should take into account:

Your Health

The success of the surgery depends on your health, especially if you are going to have a neck lift. Mini facelifts do not require general anesthesia and generally cause only mild discomfort.

Your Goals

You’ll want to decide how much improvement is needed and what is going to be the investment you’re willing to make in your appearance. You may be looking for a maintenance procedure or are interested in a major rejuvenation project.

Your Skin Tone

A mini facelift generally targets the skin below the eyes, below the jawline, and using a few small incisions around the hair-line. It is possible to have this procedure done on men and people with dark or sallow skin tones. However, an in-depth consultation must be made first because your surgeon will determine what would be best for you.

Your Age

As you get older, your skin loses collagen which gives it its firmness and resilience. As a result, it loses some of its elasticity and can sag. A mini facelift can help correct your sunken cheeks.

Your Activities

You’ll want to consider how active you are and what activities you engage in. For example, if you swim a lot or engage in strenuous exercise, your facial skin may be more susceptible to wrinkles or sagging. Facial rejuvenation procedures that address the skin of this region are often more effective in people who are physically active than those who aren’t.

Your Diet

It may be time for a mini facelift if your diet is high in saturated fats. The skin around your mouth and chin absorb the fat you consume, which can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and appear droopy.

Your Medical History

If you have had previous surgery, you should tell your doctor so he can determine if you’re a candidate for mini facelifts. Surgery on the scalp and skin under the eyes can cause impaired vision, so your physician will want to make sure your sight is not a problem.


It is definitely a good idea to have a mini face lift procedure done whether you are looking for younger or rejuvenating results. This article has provided you with the facts and information about mini facelifts that may help you make the decision about whether to pursue this new option.

Once you are ready to go, my recommendation is to contact this mini facelift Phoenix, AZ option.