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How to Find Relief from Unwanted Tremors

People living with tremor may struggle to participate in everyday life and social events. Even though most types of tremors have no known cure, some therapies may alleviate the condition’s unpleasant effects. Your symptoms may be so subtle that they may not need medical attention. In certain cases, New York tremors may be cured or significantly alleviated by treating the underlying medical issue. If you want to avoid disrupting your life with tremors, consider following these suggestions.


  • Beta-blockers

Some find that beta blockers like propranolol (Inderal, InnoPran XL, Hemangeol) effectively reduce their tremors. If you have asthma or cardiac issues, you may be unable to use beta blockers. Possible negative effects include drowsiness, dizziness, and cardiac difficulties.

  • Medication to prevent seizures

Primidone (Mysoline), a medicine used to treat epilepsy, may be useful for those who have not found relief using beta blockers. The anticonvulsant topiramate and the anticonvulsant gabapentin (Gralise, Neurontin, Horizant) are two more possible prescriptions (Topamax, Qudexy XR, others). Drowsiness and nausea might occur as side effects, although they often pass quickly.

  • Tranquilizers

When stress or worry exacerbates tremors, doctors may prescribe benzodiazepine medications like clonazepam (Klonopin). Among the potential negative effects include drowsiness and tiredness. Due to the potential for addiction, these drugs should be taken cautiously.

  • Surgery

Surgical methods may be considered when medication treatments fail or when a tremor significantly impacts everyday life.

  • The most frequent surgical therapy for tremors is deep brain stimulation (DBS). The thalamus is a deep part of the brain that organizes and regulates certain involuntary movements. It is the target of this successful, low-risk therapy that employs surgically implanted electrodes to transmit high-frequency electrical impulses to the thalamus. Electrical brain stimulation with a tiny pulse-producing device implanted subcutaneously in the upper chest (like a pacemaker) has been shown to halt tremors temporarily. Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia are now treated using DBS. ​​​​​​
  • In radiofrequency ablation, a radio wave produces an electric current, which then heats a nerve, disrupting the nerve’s communication abilities for some time, usually six months or more. Typically, this procedure is carried out on only one side of the brain to alleviate tremors on the other side of the body.

Take it slow and unwind

Anxiety makes tremors much more noticeable. Anxiety over trembling in public or before a task may worsen the tremor, which increases the patient’s anxiety and amplifies the tremor. Suppose you’re having trouble finding effective methods of relaxing on the internet. In that case, occupational therapists will be happy to assist you. In some instances, it may be prudent to explore a short-acting anti-anxiety prescription with your doctor.

Try out any of these methods and see if they help. Try your best to keep your sickness from preventing you from living your life to the fullest, regardless of how your symptoms may make you feel. It would help if you never gave your tremors the wheel of your life; at most, they’re an annoying passenger. Schedule some time to talk with your NY Neurology Associates specialist about managing tremors.